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Global Traders List (全球贸易商名录)
来自 : amp.global.mingluji.com/ 发布时间:2021-03-24

Global Traders List (全球贸易商名录)

There are more than 1,000,000 global traders from 59 industries and 100+ countries here.


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Industry Index Accessories (饰品) - 32,686 buyers Agriculture (农业) - 17,841 buyers Analysis Instruments (分析仪器) - 220 buyers Apparel (服饰) - 15,834 buyers Automobile (汽车) - 10,235 buyers Bags (箱包) - 24,455 buyers Beauty (美容) - 7,529 buyers Beverage (饮料) - 9,981 buyers Business Services (商务服务) - 30,911 buyers Cases (装箱) - 9,953 buyers Chemicals (化工) - 28,962 buyers Components (元件) - 16,981 buyers Computer (计算机) - 42,430 buyers Construction (建筑) - 27,911 buyers Crafts (工艺) - 14,029 buyers Electrical (电气) - 25,714 buyers Electronic (电子) - 52,471 buyers Energy (能源) - 12,237 buyers Entertainment (娱乐) - 4,895 buyers Equipment (设备) - 65,411 buyers Excess (过剩) - 2,423 buyers Eyewear (眼镜) - 795 buyers Fashion (时尚) - 10,810 buyers Food (食品) - 39,273 buyers Furniture (家具) - 27,933 buyers Garden (花园) - 13,528 buyers Hardware (五金) - 20,417 buyers Health (健康) - 15,076 buyers Home (家居) - 38,477 buyers Home Appliances (家用电器) - 6,605 buyers Industrial Equipment (工业设备) - 10,054 buyers Inventory (库存) - 5,162 buyers Leather Products (皮革制品) - 12,024 buyers Lights (灯具) - 15,856 buyers Luggage (行李) - 1,699 buyers Measurement (测量) - 5,499 buyers Mechanical Components (机械部件) - 824 buyers Metallurgy (冶金) - 875 buyers Minerals (矿物) - 11,719 buyers Office Supplies (办公用品) - 11,540 buyers Packaging (包装) - 23,619 buyers Paper (纸张) - 20,512 buyers Plastics (塑料) - 30,990 buyers Printing (印花) - 26,753 buyers Processing Machinery (加工机械) - 4,191 buyers Protection (保护) - 4,304 buyers Real Estate (房地产) - 6,934 buyers Rubber (橡胶) - 10,648 buyers Security (安全) - 11,892 buyers Service Equipment (服务设备) - 25,801 buyers Shoes (鞋类) - 17,079 buyers Software (软件) - 18,547 buyers Sports (运动) - 15,484 buyers Telecommunications (电信) - 7,263 buyers Textiles (纺织品) - 30,828 buyers Timepieces (钟表) - 360 buyers Tools (工具) - 19,944 buyers Toys (玩具) - 16,230 buyers Transportation (运输) - 13,267 buyers

Country Index

1. Oman (阿曼)
2. Afghanistan (阿富汗)
3. Argentina (阿根廷)
4. United Arab Emirates (阿联酋)
5. Aruba (阿鲁巴)
6. Albania (阿尔巴尼亚)
7. Azerbaijan (阿塞拜疆)
8. Algeria (阿尔及利亚)
9. Egypt (埃及)
10. Ethiopia (埃塞俄比亚)
11. Ireland (爱尔兰)
12. Estonia (爱沙尼亚)
13. Andorra (安道尔)
14. Angola (安哥拉)
15. Antigua and Barbuda (安提瓜和巴布达)
16. Austria (奥地利)
17. Australia (澳大利亚)
18. Bahrain (巴林)
19. Brazil (巴西)
20. Bahamas (巴哈马)
21. Paraguay (巴拉圭)
22. Panama (巴拿马)
23. Palestine (巴勒斯坦)
24. Barbados (巴巴多斯)
25. Pakistan (巴基斯坦)
26. Papua New Guinea (巴布亚新几内亚)
27. Belarus (白俄罗斯)
28. Bermuda (百慕大群岛)
29. Bulgaria (保加利亚)
30. Benin (贝宁)
31. Belgium (比利时)
32. Iceland (冰岛)
33. Bolivia (玻利维亚)
34. Poland (波兰)
35. Puerto Rico (波多黎各)
36. Botswana (博茨瓦纳)
37. Belize (伯利兹)
38. Palau (帕劳)
39. Burkina Faso (布基纳法索)
40. Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (朝鲜)
41. Equatorial Guinea (赤道几内亚)
42. Denmark (丹麦)
43. Germany (德国)
44. Togo (多哥)
45. Dominican Republic (多米尼加)
46. Russia (俄罗斯)
47. Ecuador (厄瓜多尔)
48. France (法国)
49. French Guiana (法属圭亚那)
50. French Polynesia (法属玻利尼西亚)
51. Philippines (菲律宾)
52. Finland (芬兰)
53. Cape Verde (佛得角)
54. Gambia (冈比亚)
55. Democratic Republic of the Congo (民主刚果)
56. Colombia (哥伦比亚)
57. Costa Rica (哥斯达黎加)
58. Georgia (格鲁吉亚)
59. Grenada (格林纳达)
60. Cuba (古巴)
61. Guadeloupe (瓜德罗普岛)
62. Guyana (圭亚那)
63. Kazakhstan (哈萨克斯坦)
64. Haiti (海地)
65. Republic of Korea (韩国)
66. Netherlands (荷兰)
67. Netherlands Antilles (荷属安第列斯)
68. Honduras (洪都拉斯)
69. Djibouti (吉布提)
70. Kyrgyzstan (吉尔吉斯坦)
71. Guinea (几内亚)
72. Guinea-Bissau (几内亚-比绍)
73. Ghana (加纳)
74. Gabon (加蓬)
75. Canada (加拿大)
76. American Samoa (美属萨摩亚)
77. Cambodia (柬埔寨)
78. Czech Republic (捷克)
79. Zimbabwe (津巴布韦)
80. Cameroon (喀麦隆)
81. Qatar (卡塔尔)
82. Kuwait (科威特)
83. Comoros (科摩罗群岛)
84. C?te d\'Ivoire (科特迪瓦)
85. Croatia (克罗地亚)
86. Kenya (肯尼亚)
87. Latvia (拉脱维亚)
88. Lesotho (莱索托)
89. Laos (老挝)
90. Lebanon (黎巴嫩)
91. Libya (利比亚)
92. Liberia (利比里亚)
93. Lithuania (立陶宛)
94. Liechtenstein (列支敦士登)
95. Réunion (留尼旺)Country Index (Cont.)

96. Luxembourg (卢森堡)
97. Rwanda (卢旺达)
98. Romania (罗马尼亚)
99. Mali (马里)
100. Malta (马耳他)
101. Malawi (马拉维)
102. Madagascar (马达加斯加)
103. Maldives (马尔代夫)
104. Malaysia (马来西亚)
105. Marshall Islands (马绍尔群岛)
106. Macedonia (马其顿共和国)
107. Mauritius (毛里求斯)
108. Martinique (毛里塔尼亚)
109. United States (美国)
110. Bangladesh (孟加拉国)
111. Peru (秘鲁)
112. Myanmar (缅甸)
113. Morocco (摩洛哥)
114. Monaco (摩纳哥)
115. Moldova (摩尔多瓦)
116. Mozambique (莫桑比克)
117. Mexico (墨西哥)
118. South Africa (南非)
119. Bosnia and Herzegovina (波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那)
120. Nepal (尼泊尔)
121. Niger (尼日尔)
122. Nicaragua (尼加拉瓜)
123. Nigeria (尼日利亚)
124. Norway (挪威)
125. Portugal (葡萄牙)
126. British Virgin Islands (英属维尔京群岛)
127. Japan (日本)
128. Sweden (瑞典)
129. Switzerland (瑞士)
130. El Salvador (萨尔瓦多)
131. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (圣文森特和格林纳丁斯)
132. Seychelles (塞舌尔)
133. Sierra Leone (塞拉利昂)
134. Senegal (塞内加尔)
135. Cyprus (塞浦路斯)
136. Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯)
137. San Marino (圣马力诺)
138. Sri Lanka (斯里兰卡)
139. Slovakia (斯洛伐克)
140. Slovenia (斯洛文尼亚)
141. Sudan (苏丹)
142. Suriname (苏里南)
143. Swaziland (苏威士兰)
144. Solomon Islands (所罗门群岛)
145. Cayman Islands (开曼群岛)
146. Tajikistan (塔吉克斯坦)
147. Thailand (泰国)
148. Tanzania (坦桑尼亚)
149. Trinidad and Tobago (特立尼达和多巴哥)
150. Tunisia (突尼斯)
151. Turkey (土耳其)
152. Turkmenistan (土库曼斯坦)
153. Guatemala (危地马拉)
154. Venezuela (委内瑞拉)
155. Brunei (文莱)
156. Uganda (乌干达)
157. Ukraine (乌克兰)
158. Uruguay (乌拉圭)
159. Uzbekistan (乌兹别克斯坦)
160. Spain (西班牙)
161. Samoa (英属萨摩亚)
162. British Indian Ocean Territory (英属印度洋领地)
163. Greece (希腊)
164. Singapore (新加坡)
165. New Zealand (新西兰)
166. New Caledonia (新喀里多尼亚)
167. Hungary (匈牙利)
168. Syria (叙利亚)
169. Jamaica (牙买加)
170. Armenia (亚美尼亚)
171. Yemen (也门)
172. Iran (伊朗)
173. Iraq (伊拉克)
174. Israel (以色列)
175. Italy (意大利)
176. India (印度)
177. Indonesia (印度尼西亚)
178. United Kingdom (英国)
179. Jordan (约旦)
180. Vietnam (越南)
181. Zambia (赞比亚)
182. Faroe Islands (法罗群岛)
183. Chad (乍得)
184. Gibraltar (直布罗陀)
185. Chile (智利)
186. China (中国)
187. Macau (澳门)
188. Taiwan (台湾)
189. Hong Kong (香港)
190. Fiji (斐济)

本文链接: http://britishtraders123.immuno-online.com/view-699214.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
QQ :1570468124